Applying for a Place at our School
To join our school, your child must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place. Learners who are identified as having additional needs but do not yet have an EHCP, will need to undergo the Education, Health and Care Assessment Request (ECHAR) process through the local authority.
We have a formal admissions procedure which is outlined in our Admissions Policy and which ensures we are able to meet a learner’s needs.
Our school works with learners aged between 6 and 16 who have special educational needs mainly within the areas of Social and Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). However, we can also support learners with a wide range of co-occurring needs.
Learners can join our school at any time during the school year and will follow a broad and balanced curriculum package to meet their individual needs.
Our caring and committed staff team will spend time getting to know you and your child during a carefully planned transition, to ensure they feel safe, settled, secure, and ready to learn.
We hold Open Days in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms each year. Please contact us if you are interested in visiting and we can arrange for an invite to the appropriate event. Please contact your current provision or Local Authority SEND Co-ordinator for more information about joining our unique and special school.
For admissions queries contact Phil Saint, our SENCO by calling 07548 343362 or emailing
“The Stables community has given my child confidence, love and support over the last three years of them being at the school.”
“We can’t adequately express how happy we are to see our son in a school that understands and is so receptive to meeting his needs. It is a delight to see him finally engaging with his learning.“
“The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is passionate about providing the right support for families at the right time. She has a proactive approach and holds the child at the centre of everything she does.“
“Thank you for your hard work and support inside and outside of school hours. Your commitment, understanding and patience is exemplary.“
“The Stable School are responsive, flexible and creative when it comes to meeting individual needs; forming a positive and expert team around each child.“
“As a foster parent, I have been working closely with the staff at Stables school. They are a fantastic team, completely invested in learning the individuality of the young people in their care.“
“The Stable school was the first school to accept our child for who he is and all his needs. They have been totally supportive and nurtured his needs. The progress he has made at The Stable school is amazing and has exceeded expectations.“
“Our children no longer fear school, instead it is the key that is unlocking their full potential in exploring their bigger and more exciting world, whilst being safely scaffolded and nurtured by caring and Trauma Informed staff.“
“I really believe in the vision that you and John have for the school and think that it can only bring positives. I have reflected on the comment you made Denise at the parent forum about the adults who are left being the ones who want to be at the school and really care and also believe in the path you are creating for the school and children and I think that is so true”
“Staff go above and beyond with communication. They are very aware of my daughter’s needs and how to support her. They obviously do a lot behind the scenes to prepare for her each time she is in. I am grateful for everyone that is involved with my daughter’s care.”
“My son’s teacher is the first person that has ever got him learning. Great communication with home.”
“We receive great communication and the school are very understanding and supportive to our child and to us as parents.”
“Staff are very approachable, understanding and empathetic, and always manage to get things put in place as soon as possible. They always put our son’s needs first. Any concerns I have raised have been sorted as soon as possible and fed back to us appropriately.”
“Staff come across as caring, understanding and genuine. They really understand our son already and communication with us is professional and supportive at all times.”
“Staff are passionate and make additional effort to focus on the needs of our young person and both our families. The communication and support we receive is always above and beyond.”
“The team are a credit to the school and really understand our daughter’s needs. They communicate well with her and us to support her appropriately and enable her to be happy at school and engaged with her learning.”
“Contact is amazing from school and everyone communicates really well.”
“I am kept regularly updated with how my son is progressing and staff have a broad knowledge and awareness when he feels triggered. Communication is good, there is nothing I can’t ask or share with and they are always there with support when needed.”