Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, contact us today and we will be glad to help.

What is the process for getting a place at the school?

All placements at the Stable School are commissioned by a Local Authority.  All students have an EHC Plan or an EHC needs assessment approaching its conclusion.  If a parent/carer feels that the Stable School may be an appropriate placement for their child, they should contact their Local Authority SEND Team to request that a referral for placement is made.  When a placement referral is received,  we will give it consideration and advise the Local Authority if we believe we can meet the learner’s needs and if we have any placement availability.  All referrals will be responded to within 15 calendar days.  The primary need of a learner being referred for placement should be social, emotional and mental health (SEMH).

Does my child need and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to attend the school?

Yes – All learners have an EHC Plan or an EHC needs assessment approaching its conclusion.

How are children and young people supported at the school?

All learners have access to a therapeutic and Trauma Informed approach. The education provided is framed around the needs of every individual child through their EHC, which outlines their individual needs and challenges, identifies how staff can support them, and sets the learner’s goals for the future.

At The Stable School, we pride ourselves on providing education that is engaging and innovative. Through a varied and adapted curriculum we aim to teach learners how to grow into positive, responsible young people who are able to not only have a positive impact in their local community but to also successfully transition into further education, employment, volunteering and adulthood.

What type of provision is available at the school?

The Stable School works with learners aged between 6 and 16 who have special educational needs with a primary area of need of Social and Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).  However, we can also support learners with a wide range of co-occurring needs falling within the broad categories of ASC, ADHD and PDA. We offer a range of academic and vocational qualifications and subjects to our learners. We also pride ourselves on the wide range of educational visits and trips which underpin our learners’ educational experiences at the school.

What training do school staff have?

Our staff are highly trained in all areas of Special Educational Needs, from Social Emotional and Mental Health as well as additional training for other co-occurring needs. We also offer a range of training and mentoring opportunities which give our staff all the tools they need to inspire and support all learners to fulfil their potential.

How will my child be assessed and monitored?

Each Year an Annual Review of a student’s EHC Plan will be held.  Such a review may be held more frequently where circumstance requires it.

Annual Review is a statutory process to review needs, progress, provision, and placement.  Following a review, the Local Authority will consider if a learner’s EHC Plan should be updated.  As part of this process, the Local Authority will also consider if placement at our school remains appropriate.  Parents/carers, learners and all other professionals involved are asked to attend the review meeting and/or send a written contribution for the review.

These plans are used to personalise the education provision for every child and staff track progress toward the identified outcomes so that we can determine progress and next steps accurately.

How will my child be included in discussions about their learning and development?

Learners are invited to contribute to their Annual Review meeting and/or provide their thoughts for the review.

We hold regular family consultations – 3 per year to ensure that learners and families are regularly updated about their progress. We also provide 3 written reports a year to coincide with the 3 family consultations.

How will I know how my child is doing? How will I be included in planning for my child’s education?

We believe that effective communication with parents and carers is of the utmost importance. Parents and carers are fully involved throughout their child’s time with us, from the induction process and beyond.  We believe you know your child best and your views and support are key to a positive integration and journey through our school. We communicate regularly with parents and carers, including weekly check-in calls with tutors and/or school management. We operate an ‘open door policy’ and parents and carers are welcome to visit the school at any time. We also provide reports regularly to all families informing them of the progress of their child in all areas of development.

Who can I contact for further information about my child at school or for further information?

Should you have any questions regarding your child, telephone the school using the site specific contact details on our contact page, and our reception team will direct you to the relevant member of staff. If you would like further information about the school, you can telephone or email, or submit a message using our website contact form.

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or their next stage of education?

The Stable School has a robust induction process which is personally designed to meet the individual needs of each learner.

This process is underpinned by following a structured, academic, social and pastoral initial assessment process, capturing the views of learners and their families, and by supporting learners educationally and emotionally throughout transition and beyond.

The school prides itself on its careers programme and has fantastic ‘positive destination’ data which demonstrates its success in this area.

Throughout their Key Stage 4, learners are provided with ample opportunities to experience different career options, including our work experience programme delivered through Care Plus.

Learners have access to careers advisors and will also learn how to write job applications and practice interview techniques. We also support learners to liaise with Post 16 Colleges to ensure they are matched with the most suitable courses when they take their next steps in education.

Through delivery of our Careers and IAG programmes, we equip every learner with the foundations, education, qualifications, skills, and opportunities needed for lifelong success.

Who do we speak to if we have a concern or complaint about the school?

We welcome an open dialogue with parents/carers and hope we can resolve any concerns as quickly as possible. If you have any concerns or are not happy with an aspect of school, then please request an informal meeting with a member of school staff and/or the Principal. If this does not resolve the concern, then please refer to our Complaints Procedure which explains how parents/carers can lodge a complaint. The Complaints Procedure is available from the school office or on our website.